Porta Party
porta party
entry level
$69.99 + free shipping

revision c
✪ stereo mixer
✪ portable
✪ 4 channels
✪ stereo pan and gain per channel
✪ headphones output with independent volume
✪ 2 peak detectors
✪ 3.5mm i/o
✪ usb-c power

porta party $69.99 +

keychain splitter:


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the porta party is a compact and portable 4 channel stereo mixer.
this mini mixer is ideal if you're running a set of instruments like pocket operators and synths like the korg volca.
you can use it with your headphones and connect it to any amplifier through its line out jack. to power it you'll only need a usb-c source.

---// faq //---

q: what's the keychain splitter for?
a: the keychain splitter is used as a two 4-way splitters. it enables you to split your signal to various parts of the circuit at the same time.

If you have any questions, contact me on Instagram or send an e-mail to: help@freedomenterprise.pt

Porta Party

Porta Party

Porta Party

Porta Party